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Writer's picture Flynness HEALTHCARE

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Updated: Feb 29


In the News


Digestive Issues – why the increase in prevalence?

Cardiovascular Disease WHO and Cocoa Supplementation – Healthy heart vital to life!

Iron based anaemia – prevalence in 2021 result of Covid 19?

Respiratory ailments – are you sneezing? Worst cold ever, had the flu?

COVID 19 a year on! Vaccine – where are we now?

Type 2 Diabetes – continuing to rise worldwide

FAD diets – making a good choice

Vitamins and COVID 19

Viruses- should we be alarmed?

PBD – plant based diets

How Much Do I Need?


Intake Terminology

Focus on Micronutrient - Vitamins & Minerals


Description, food sources and role in health


Water Soluble – B1/Thiamin, B2/Riboflavin, B3/Niacin, B5/Pantothenic acid, B6/Pyridoxine, B9/Folic acid, B12/Cobalamin, C

Fat Soluble – A, D, E, K


Major – Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sulphur, Sodium, Chloride

Minor – Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, iodine, Selenium

A Little Bit of Science 1


Digestion and Absorption

Blood Pressure


Viruses, Bacteria and the Immune System

What is a Virus

The Immune Response, Types of Immunity and the Primary and Secondary response to infection- natural and vaccines

Type 2 diabetes – relationship between glucose and insulin

Weight loss and metabolism

Vitamin D – vitamin or hormone?

Allergies & Intolerances – what is the difference?

A Little Bit of Science 2


Anatomy of the large intestine

Bloating, gut biome, microbiota and FODMAP, prebiotics, probiotics and fibre

Tissues, cells and tight junctions and relationship to Leaky Gut Syndrome LGS

Nutritional Medicine 1


What is anaemia? Types- Iron, Folate and B12 , signs and symptoms, risk groups.

Immune System

Blood glucose regulation and beneficial foods

Weight loss, maintenance, digestion and absorption

What is a diet? Focus on Intermittent fasting 16:8 & 5:2, Ketogenic style plans

Vitamin D, overall health needs and SAD- seasonal affected disorder

Bones and Osteoporosis


Nutritional Medicine 2


Digestive Issues – IBS Irritable Bowel syndrome & FODMAP, Diverticulosis & Diverticulitis, LGS Leaky Gut Syndrome

Managing Cholesterol

Food & Nutrition Basics


Dietary plans for digestive issues - IBS Irritable Bowel syndrome & FODMAP, Diverticulosis & Diverticulitis, LGS Leaky Gut Syndrome

Cardiovascular disease - DASH diet

Iron anaemia and vitamin C food combinations and meals

Eating well when unwell

Use of Ketogenic style diet for dia-besity

Role of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in diabetes management, meal planning and timing of meals

Carbohydrates overview

Home economics- food limitations, using wilting and stale food

Protein overview

What to eat? Omnivore, vegetarian or vegan?

Seasonal Foods & Recipes


Shopping lists for Digestive Issues - - IBS Irritable Bowel syndrome, Diverticulosis & Diverticulitis, LGS Leaky Gut Syndrome

Low FODMAP shopping list

Heart foods shopping lists and recipes

12 foods to lower blood pressure

Recipes for Vegans to include sufficient Iron

Soups for the Immune System

Recipes for diabetes

Ayurvedic seasonal foods and doshas

Non seasonal fruit and Vegetables – fresh, frozen, tinned

Planting in the season (based on 4 seasons)

Let’s Move!

Overview – what is exercise, cardio, resistance and stretch

Gut beneficial exercises for digestive issues - - IBS Irritable Bowel syndrome & FODMAP, Diverticulosis & Diverticulitis, LGS Leaky Gut Syndrome

Cardiovascular exercise for managing blood pressure and heart rate

Exercise to enhance red blood cells and iron levels, absorption

Movement and weight loss and maintenance and using glucose for energy

Exercising and illness – should you exercise when unwell?

Exercising for diabetes – essential but do it correctly

Weight loss in general and exercise – right type for your weight loss journey

Weight bearing exercise and its relationship to bone strength and health, osteoporosis

Muscle strength, exercise and food

CAM – Complementary Alternative Medicine


Herbs as treatment for digestive issues- - IBS Irritable Bowel syndrome & FODMAP, Diverticulosis & Diverticulitis, LGS Leaky Gut Syndrome

Dance, Art and Music therapies

Supplements for Iron, folate or B12 anaemia

Herbal Medicine and Herbs Disclaimer – safety issues

Herbs and blood glucose level regulation

Herbs and respiratory ailments

Tissue Salts for respiratory issues

Ayurveda - overview of diet types

Yoga – stretches and stress relief


Reading Matters


Books listed:

Leaky Gut

Mediterranean Diet

Optimum Nutrition for Vegans

The Science of Staying Well

8 week diet

Jane Austen Diet

Helping Depression and Anxiety

Year of Wonders

Diet & Myths

Let’s Talk

Upcoming Talks

Previous talks “resume”

Loving Learning

Professional development –

CPD short courses Certificates


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